A heartfelt welcome to our SoulZouk Weekender in Bonn, Germany!
Register now: https://forms.gle/ufUqX8UkxWneY2E89
Get to know our new generation of SoulZouk teachers!
In this cozy weekender we will offer you 8 hours of workshops in one track with experienced SoulZouk teachers and soon to be SoulZouk teachers. Every single one of them brings years of experience in many different dances and their own style, all united in their love for SoulZouk. You will have the chance to learn and improve a beautiful quality of dancing Zouk, focusing on body knowledge, connection and the joy of expressing yourself in dance.
Schedule (may be subject to change)
Friday, March 21st
20 – 22: Preparty Workshops
22 – end: Social
Saturday, March 22nd
14 – 17: Workshops
20 – end: Social
Sunday, March 23rd
14 – 17: Workshops
17 – end: Social
Registration: https://forms.gle/ufUqX8UkxWneY2E89
Freie Waldorfschule Bonn
Stettiner Str. 21
53119 Bonn
Contact us: mk.soulzouk@gmail.com